Overview and History

Company profile

Name Iwata Tool Ltd.
Head Office Techno Hill Nagoya E-3
2-901-1, Hanasaki-dai, Moriama-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 463-0808 Japan
Established June 1928
Capital ¥40,000,000
Activity Development, manufacturing and sales of tolls, machine tools and heat treatment services
Products Products SP Center
Center Drills
Micro Cutting Tools
Special Cutting Tools
Band Grinders
Heat Treatment
President Mr. Masanao Iwata
Overseas Subsidiaries IWATA TOOL EUROPE
IWATA TOOL (Thailand)  IWATA TOOL (Dalian)


1928 …
Founding of the company by Mr. Chiyokichi Iwata. Start of the production and sales of center drills for the domestic market.
1930 …
Development, patenting and start of sales of band grinders.
1937 …
Start of aircraft parts production
1940 …
Founding of IWATA Iron Works Co., Ltd.
1963 …
Opening of HSS heat treatment facilities
1982 …
Heat treatment services offered to outside companies
1994 …
Production of cemented carbide tools, Production and sales of a wide range of special tools 
1998 …
The company is renamed to IWATA TOOL
2003 …
ISO9001 Certification
2009 …
The main factory moves to Moriyama-ku, Nagoya
2010 …
Establishing of Iwata Tool sales office in Dalian, China
2011 …
Establishing of Iwata Tool sales and production unit in Thailand

Quality Policy

We continuously strive to improve the efficiency of our production as well as of our quality management system.
Consequently we aim to supply 100% faultless products and services.
We have developed a highly efficient quality management system to supply flawless high-performance tools that contribute to cost reduction and product quality improvement of our customers for the mutual benefit of our companies.

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+81-52-739-1090受付 9:00〜17:30(土日祝休み)
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Product Features

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+81-52-739-1090受付 9:00〜17:30(土日祝休み)
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